If you’ve never ridden or owned a motorcycle before, you’re missing out. While not as common as cars, motorcycles are still some of the most popular vehicles in the U.S., and come with a ton of ownership benefits! If you’re interested in learning more about how motorcycles outrank cars, and whether or not one of these handy vehicles is the right choice for you, take a look at our article below.


When it comes to affordability, a motorcycle wins the race every time! When compared to cars, these handy vehicles are less expensive in sticker price, fuel expenses, and insurance rates. Even better, your repair bill will decrease significantly with a motorcycle, as their parts and equipment are also lower priced. 

Environmentally Friendly

Electric cars aren’t exactly the easiest vehicle to get your hands on, and they’re often quite pricey. If you’re looking for a more affordable way to be environmentally friendly, a motorcycle may just be your best option. Manufacturing these vehicles requires fewer materials than a car would, and they don't require as much fuel to get around. You can even find electric options on the market, although they can be just as elusive as electric car models.


Customizing a car is often a difficult process. When compared to motorcycles, cars are extremely complicated beasts and often require a professional's expertise. However, motorcycles are extremely easy to customize and have a wide variety of unique parts and accessories on the market. Because it’s so popular to customize your model to your personal tastes, there’s also a ton of information online to teach you how to install your equipment. 

If you’ve decided a motorcycle is the perfect vehicle for you, we encourage you to visit our dealership here in Goldsboro, North Carolina! On top of our large inventory of motorcycles for sale, we also offer helpful services such as on-site repairs, financing options, and helpful riding gear. If you’re located nearby in  Greenville, Wilson, or Raleigh, North Carolina, we look forward to seeing you soon here at Fun Products Goldsboro.