As the name suggests, dirt bikes are constantly exposed to different types of dirt given their ability to perform both on and off road. Allowing debris and harmful substances to accumulate on or inside your bike is the quickest way to lose it.

At Fun Products Goldsboro of Goldsboro, NC, we make sure our customers know how to care for their bikes to optimize their experiences. Here are a few ways you can make sure your dirt bike stays in top riding condition.

Wash Your Bike

Washing your dirt bike after every use can keep it functioning for an extended period of time. Most experts recommend that you hand wash your bike with a bucket of water and brushes/sponges to remove caked-on dirt. Power washing your dirt bikes risks water and dirt forced into internal areas like the engine or electrical components. However, if you’re skilled with a power washer, this method works just as well.

Clean Your Chain

Dirt bike chains are constantly exposed to the elements given their close proximity to the ground. If your chain is covered in dirt or mud, let it sit overnight to harden so that it can be easily removed the next day. Once it’s cleaned be sure to apply a well-trusted lubricant to protect your chain from erosion and breakages.

Check for Leaks

You’ll constantly want to be checking under your bike to see that no fluids are leaking from anywhere. These include oil, brake fluid and even coolants that are all vital for your dirt bike to run optimally. After cleaning and properly drying your bike, park it somewhere safe where you can easily detect a leak as it appears.

For more advice on proper dirt bike care, give us a call or visit us in Goldsboro. Our team is also happy to welcome all patrons from Greenville, Wilson and Raleigh, NC.