Dirt bikes can be an absolutely thrilling way to experience the great outdoors, though they’re certainly not without their risks. These lightweight vehicles are built to withstand crashes well, but it’s always best not to crash to begin with!

We here at Fun Products Goldsboro have talked about dirt bike safety before, but there’s always more to learn, so we’ve put together some more tips down below. To learn more, or to see the dirt bikes we have for sale, contact our store in Goldsboro, North Carolina, today!

Understanding Limitations

There are a lot of limitations to keep in mind when you’re on a dirt bike. For instance, it’s all-too-easy to get tempted by the most powerful model out there, but you should never ride a bike you’re not prepared to handle. You should also avoid trails beyond your riding experience level.

Stick to the Trails

Speaking of trails, we recommend staying on them. They’re built and mapped out as they are for good reason, and staying on one can keep you from natural hazards and overly-difficult terrain that your bike may not be safe on.

Stay Focused

Another major factor in dirt bike safety is making sure you’re on your game. Staying wary and focused on your ride is vital to help you catch subtle (and not-so-subtle) signs of dangerous terrain, changes in the trail, changes in weather, and other potential hazards. There are a number of factors you can control or influence to help you keep your eyes peeled.


Even if you’re not running the trails, riding a dirt bike is a full-body workout. You’re going to sweat and lose body moisture, so it’s vital that you continually replenish that. Drink lots of water and avoid energy drinks or other sugary beverages, since they can actually dehydrate you more.

Eat Up

That full-body workout also burns a lot of calories, and when you’re hungry you’re not on top of things. The distracting sensation of hunger and the side-effects can cause accidents and crashes, so be sure to pack energy-dense and nonperishable snacks like granola bars, trail mix, and similar items.

Avoid Intoxicants

This feels obvious, but it bears mentioning anyway: don’t drink or use other intoxicants before or during a dirt bike ride. Whatever the substance is, it’s likely to slow your reaction time and numb your senses. Those factors combined with a high-speed dirt bike and messy terrain of an off-roading trail can lead to serious injuries or worse.

Sleep Well

Last but not least, try to get a good night’s sleep the night before a ride. Exhaustion can cause as many accidents and mess your mind just as much as any intoxicant.

We hope these tips help you stay safer on your next dirt bike ride! For more information, or if you need a dirt bike to follow these tips with, contact us at Fun Products Goldsboro. We proudly serve the people of Greenville, Wilson, and Raleigh, North Carolina—let us serve you today!